News — Events

Design Museum Market
We are very excited to be part of the first Design Museum Market launching this year in the brand new Design Museum in South Kensington, London. A perfect opportunity to see the incredible new building and meet 40 designers presenting a beautiful selection of homewares, jewellery, ceramics, textiles and children’s products - everything from original stocking fillers to stand-out gifts. We will be showing a selection of our standard collection alongside various small batch samples, unique Christmas decorations and some new prints and artwork. We hope to see you there. To see the list of fantastic designers selling there work,...
- Tags: Events, Exhibitions

Nick Fraser at Design Junction
Nick Fraser was delighted to set up shop at Design Junction’s new home, King's Cross, for the duration of the festival; offering a large selection of his popular product lines, as well as launching four striking new additions to the Geometric Terracotta range. The sun shone, there was a buzz in the air and it was a great success. Granary Square, with it's industrial grit and rejuvenated beauty, was the perfect backdrop for Nick to show his inaugural range; Pipework Series. The location also could not have been more fitting for Nick to unveil Tube Map his biggest Pipework installation to...
- Tags: Events, Exhibitions

The Frome Independent
Being based in Frome, Somerset is great for many reasons. One of those has to be it's fantastic monthly market. On the first Sunday of the month between April and December, The Frome Independent takes to the streets of Frome offering a diverse experience that celebrates independent producers and makers. We have been taking a stand along with the lovely Polly Bell for around six of the nine markets for the last two years. It is a great opportunity for you to pick up some bargains as we offer a large range of samples and seconds at around half the price. So...
- Tags: Events, Exhibitions